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STOP! You're About To Finally Discover My Secrets To Fulfilled Dreams!
STOP! You're About To Finally Discover My Secrets To Prosperity!
DECODED: how any Dreamer can succeed today and enjoy a life of happiness and fulfillment
This is a comprehensive and advanced guide suitable for both beginners and advanced.
The 5 Most Important Tips:
Use Affirmations Effectively - If affirmations don’t work for you, consider the fact that you may be investing your energy and hope into...
Change your Glass
- Are you a “glass-half-empty” person? If so, call yourself on these negative, doom-and-gloom self-messages. Say:...
Avoid Catastrophizing
- Are you a catastrophizer? Is every setback that happens the end of the world?
Learn to Develop Radar
- This is a particular component of the self-awareness process: “Radar” occurs when a little alarm bell goes off in your brain or gut, telling you...
Follow the WTWTCH Formula
- Are you afraid to take risks? Do you have “roadblocks” that are limiting your potential? Instead of concentrating on your fear, ask yourself: “What’s the worst that could happen?”
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"Dreamers are different from everyone else because they get to make the rules they live by. Trouble is, many still live by rules that others made—ones that don’t work well and actually keep you from happiness and success."
- Dr. Howard Roberts
About The Author
Dr. Howard Roberts is a multi-gifted motivational speaker and business consultant. He's served as a Crisis Management Chaplain is the founder of many community organizations as well as Game Changers 360.